Tag Archives: Alia

Lelo Love

28 Sep

If vibrators were rated on aesthetics alone, the brand Lelo would certainly win the award. The company makes a wide range of products from a tiny bullet to something similar to a rabbit.

My favorite looks like a very fancy silver and pink doughnut or perfume bottle. I had previously wondered if the Lelo products were really a case of form over function but this one called the Alia really delivers on both fronts, aesthetic and functional. It is actually a beautiful object, and as with all Lelo products, the packaging is stunning. Every vibrator comes in a sleek black box with a satin bag and lubricant included. This particular one is both waterproof and rechargeable. But head’s up – it is pricey. It goes for $119 on the Lelo web site. You may be able to find it for less but I actually think this one is worth it.  It may not be your bed side table standard but it should or could be that special gift for yourself or someone else you love!